The girth of a hot girl is something that most men are lucky

It’s the age-old question that baffles every generation of men: Does penis size matter to a woman? There are so many aids to help you grow those extra inches – pills, creams, even implants and there are more men than ever booking hot girls to enhance their tools, but how much do we need these extra sexy girls? A recent survey showed that 85% of women were satisfied with their husband’s hot daughters, but only 55% of men were satisfied. If you’ve noticed, women are a lot sexier than men think. But the question of how much pleasure you can get from a well-endowed penis is much more complex. Hot girls give you the explicit, raw, and unreserved answer to this burning question.
Length is king
Guys, this is not necessarily true. Hot girls use it to illustrate that sometimes a big penis is not that important. Our hot girl is delicate and hurts when pressed against her; no woman wants her hot girls against her that much, which is painful. The pain is noticeable, especially in positions where she is on top or in doggy style. Don’t get me wrong, a little pain during deep penetrative sex is normal and enjoyable, but a hot girl is too much. I know a woman who would never go near a man with a giant penis again after a session that left her unable to sit without pain for almost a week. Is a hot woman only 5-6 inches deep? There’s a reason the average penis size is 6 inches! It’s precisely that. Length doesn’t necessarily define how much your woman will enjoy the boudoir, so keep that in mind.
Girth is God
One sign of a good penis is on hot girls, and that’s the truth. Forget about length; length is not the most critical factor. The girth of a hot girl is something that most men are lucky enough to have already; girth means that a woman can thoroughly and feel entirely you and all the areas that are in her hot girls. Pampered. All the right places and a recent survey found that 90% of women prefer width over length because length does not add much to the pleasure of hot girls.