Regardless of casual dating with a woman

Regardless of casual dating with a woman
  • PublishedAugust 26, 2024

I don’t care what you say or what you think, women who are sexually attracted to other women. That’s so true. If the world today wasn’t so terrible and love was a dream, there would be a lot more same-sex couples, especially female couples. I can understand this, even if you’re a woman who isn’t attracted to other women. Ladies, think about your female friendships…Your relationship with your boyfriend. Think carefully. Which one is more intimate? Which one is more emotionally fulfilling? Who can best understand you on a casual dating? You’re completely ignoring the fact that casual dating means having sex with someone who is your sister.

I remember reading the classic “Casual Dating” in college and thinking, oh my God. That was me. In her book, “Casual Dating,” she explores female sexual fluidity by tracking the relationships of nearly 100 women over 10 years. These women have relationships with both men and women without committing to their sexual identity or gender. They are driven by innate desire, love, lust, and infatuation, regardless of casual dating with a woman. My friends love to hear my stories. They say they admire my confidence and courage. Some even go so far as to say my life is one of casual dating. It doesn’t leeway. But I understand why they do it. You go for what you want, when you want it, and strive for it. Otherwise, you’ll live a life that doesn’t suit you. Why should you strive for something substandard?

I have many friends who admit they want to sleep with women but don’t want to tell anyone about it for fear of being labeled gay. Of course, I’ve thought about it. but for me, fulfilling my own sexual and casual dating desires is much more important than what others think of me. Furthermore, I don’t believe I can build an emotional or even physical connection with someone who isn’t completely open-minded and open with others. So if someone doesn’t want to date me because I’ve dated a few homosexuals, I don’t want to date them either.
A few months after ending a great two-year relationship with a great woman, I started dating a man again. I missed the sex and the man’s body. I missed how sweet a man can be when he opens up and shows his sweet, gentle side. I was craving it. I started spending time with a coo some guy and after a few weeks he started to understand me and who I am as a person. We could talk about work and life, movies and podcasts, and people I admire. We started having sex which was just as good. After a few weeks, he knew a lot about me but still didn’t know about my sexual past as a casual dating partner. That’s such a big part of it for me. We never discussed our past relationships so I had no need or desire to come out to him. I’m very proud of everything I do (otherwise I wouldn’t have been doing it). I’m proud of my existence in this world. I knew that if he didn’t fully agree with my fluidity, I would have to end everything we had.  I agree with him.  One night, he came over and we agreed to ask each other some personal questions to get to know each other better.  We then talked about our high school experiences and siblings soon after, I asked him how long it had been since we’d been in a casual relationship, and he asked me the same thing. Then I dropped the bomb. I didn’t expect him to care that much, but I expected to have at least a few questions.

Written By
laria mary

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