Female escorts work is the oldest profession
Female escorts work is the oldest profession in history, and it is also one of the most profitable. Many men and women would never have imagined entering this field, and the reasons why people do so are many and complex. Using the opinions of many men and women in the field of escort work, we discover precisely what motivates individuals to enter the oldest profession in history.
Money is what makes the world
Go round. Many women, in particular, say this. When it comes to business, it is a man’s world, with many companies still paying men more than women in the same position. We haven’t made that much progress in gender equality if we look closely. What many people don’t realize is that female escorts are not all stereotypical types, as the Victorians always liked to call the “fallen woman” at a time when female escorts were at their peak. Female escorts come from all backgrounds and social circles; many love the taste and the feeling of money getting in their hands. One companion calls the high cash flow “addictive.” For an hour of work, a female escort is paid very generously. Some female escorts are intelligent and put money aside to start businesses; one escort explains that she uses it to pay for her children’s private school and may also use it to pay for expensive university education. Money is the main reason female escorts enter this profession, and it has been that way since the beginning.
Flexible Hours
A companion, a mother of two, could not find a job to support her children due to the long hours required by most employers. With escorts, she saw the perfect way to secure as much money as she needed quickly, ensuring that her children did not lack time with her or money for them. She explained that this was her primary motivation and that escorts had transformed her life. Other escorts are students, who need flexible work on the side, and escorts fit this requirement ideally; escorts can choose their schedules, hours, and days.