You might want to share your private hot porn videos

Countries around the world are fighting to make revenge porn videos illegal, and for good reason. It’s terrible behavior to post videos of your ex-lover in a “compromising” position online without their permission. But it’s not illegal in the US yet.
This new law will be introduced across Wales, making posting revenge porn videos a criminal offense. It’s not in force yet, but activists are working hard to ensure it comes into force.
What are revenge porn videos?
People seem to be a bit confused about what revenge porn videos are. To be clear, revenge porn videos include images or videos of a sexual nature (whether it’s just lingerie shots or not) that are shared without the person’s permission with the intent to get revenge or hurt someone.
This is pretty simple, but some people still seem to be confused about what precisely a revenge porn video means. I heard someone say, “I didn’t post it on a hot porn video site,
So is it still revenge porn?”
Yes, it can be considered revenge porn whether it’s posted on a popular porn video site or social media. Even if you sent it in a private message or text message because you shared it, it is considered a revenge porn video. That’s the keyword here.
So, if you have a sleazy video of your ex-girlfriend sucking your dick before you cum on her tits, there’s only one thing to do: delete it.
Why Share?
For a variety of reasons, you might want to share your private hot porn videos with your friends, work colleagues, or even the world.
Maybe you want to say, “Hey, look at this sexy woman I’m having sex with and what she’s doing to my dick!” and people respond with, “You’re so lucky.” It’s hot!’ but don’t share it without her permission.
The main reason it gets shared
It’s to get revenge on a person. Usually, this happens after a breakup when a partner says, ‘I know, I’m going to get revenge’ and posts private moments here and there to embarrass and humiliate someone. It was hard to get over it. “I felt embarrassed and furious. He decided to hurt me and publicly humiliate me by sharing these pictures. He also put them on a hot porn video site.”