The genitals and towards your head through adult sex

Many of us have heard of adult sex, but if you ask most people what it is and how to do it, you will probably receive some white stares. It’s a shame you can’t enjoy this fun even as an adult because you’re missing out. Today, I will give tips to the ladies out there to hopefully get you there. I’m sure you’ll thank me later. According to
Adult sex is like this
Unlike traditional sex, where the end goal is adult sex in the genital area, adult sex is about rediscovering your body and your partner’s body and learning how to direct your sexual energy away from the genitals and towards your head through adult sex. Once this sexual energy reaches your head, your adult sex can begin to vibrate on a cosmic level and lead to full-fledged adult sex that both men and women can experience. To achieve this, you need to follow four steps. They are:
Open up
This is a mental thing. Instead of focusing only on the feelings in your pelvic area, you need to imagine the energy flowing through your entire body.
Imagine the energy building up and flowing up your spine, arms, and to the top of your head. If you do, you’re well on your way to embracing pleasure as a whole part of adult sexuality.