Having adult sex with different partners

Having adult sex with different partners
  • PublishedOctober 3, 2024

Although the modern environment offers an excellent basis for an unrestricted lifestyle, we find our choices increasingly scrutinized. Although the 21st century seems to create a better atmosphere to direct our lives in the direction that is most convenient for us, certain social barriers will always exist.

We all learn from our mistakes to avoid the same ones, so sometimes it is easier to keep silent than to attract attention by doing something forbidden or shameful. For this reason, certain social taboos will always exist.

Just like centuries ago, the topic of adult sex is still one of the most difficult to talk about. As we have become more civilized, some critical-thinking parts of society have made every effort to shame us for being “like wild animals” and having adult sex with different partners.

Animals may have other purposes, but no one should forbid us from enjoying them. As free people, we can do anything that is not regulated by law, so sex between adults should not be a prejudice in modern society.

With this in mind, we have found some reasons that can “justify” such behavior in the eyes of the more intolerant layers of society.  Finding a compromise could be the best solution for both sides.

Problem Number – Security

We learned about safe adult sex from an early age, and that’s fine. Safe sex among adults is a big problem all over the world, and risky sexual practices among adults aren’t going to change that. Now, two important questions arise:

 What is risky adult sex?

Can risky adult sex happen in long-term relationships?  People often think that one-night stands and adult sex relationships are risky, but that’s not entirely true. Risky adult sex can happen in long-term relationships too. Today, risky sexual relationships are a big problem, but quitting adult sex is not the solution. Forced contraception is a solution, but it doesn’t change the mentality of some people. It might help if we all work to reduce the number of diseases and raise awareness about the importance of contraception.

 How dangerous is sex between adults?

No one can judge whether adult sex is dangerous or not based on personal experience. That’s why we found some statistical data. Sexually active women took part in this survey and the results are as follows:


Written By
laria mary

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